Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Post Christmas blues
It seems as though this happens to me every year. I love Christmas and can't wait for it to get here and then once it is over, I get sad for no aparent reason. This year is no exception. I have been blue for a few days now. New Years followed by Valentine's Day just make me feel more lonely. Poor, poor pitiful me. Iguess I will just eat worms ;)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Christmas Gift
A while back on a day when we had Chinese food, Austin came up to me and asked if he could have the fortune part of the fortune cookie. I asked why he wanted it and he told me very matter of factly that he collected them. Just another of Austin's small oddities but that's why I love him. Anyway, I shared this story with a couple of my colleagues. One of them gave me a Christmas present for Austin yesterday. I was so very curious about what it could be that I let him open it early. It was a whole clothes box full of fortune cookies. Austin was SOOO excited. He said "we have got to call him and tell him thank you". He likes the cookies but he just loves reading the fortunes.
Cynical Truth of Fairy Tales
While watching a fairy tale (in the mood that I have been in for the last couple of months), I found some truths in fairy tales.
1. There is only one prince for every 100,000 men.
2. The prince always chooses the prettiest girl and the ugly ones don't stand a chance
3. The girl (although pretty) has to change herself (i.e. lie) to get the guy. (ex. Cinderella - dressed up to pretend she had money; Ariel - had to pretend that she was human; Jasmine - pretended she was a pauper; and I'm sure there are more)
1. There is only one prince for every 100,000 men.
2. The prince always chooses the prettiest girl and the ugly ones don't stand a chance
3. The girl (although pretty) has to change herself (i.e. lie) to get the guy. (ex. Cinderella - dressed up to pretend she had money; Ariel - had to pretend that she was human; Jasmine - pretended she was a pauper; and I'm sure there are more)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Hate is a powerful and horrible thing, but with that being said, I HATE my ex-husband and wish he would die a horrible painful death and that Austin wouldn't be affected by it at all.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Another Misc. Blog
I am now officially another year older and wise ;) something I learned this week - they have black santa blow up yard decorations. I saw one in Riverview (interesting).
I saw yet another person not turn off their car when they get out to get gas. Are these people just stupid or what?
My baby learned to tie his shoes today. In second grade, it's about time.
It has been sooooo very windy today and I wish I could take credit for the next quote, but even if I didn't say it, it is too cute not to post "I'm glad to be the little piggy whose house is built from brick because the big bad wolf is trying his hardest today!"
Lastly, mom and I went to see 3D A christmas carol. It was actually creepy. I hope I don't have nightmares ;)
Good night moon.
I saw yet another person not turn off their car when they get out to get gas. Are these people just stupid or what?
My baby learned to tie his shoes today. In second grade, it's about time.
It has been sooooo very windy today and I wish I could take credit for the next quote, but even if I didn't say it, it is too cute not to post "I'm glad to be the little piggy whose house is built from brick because the big bad wolf is trying his hardest today!"
Lastly, mom and I went to see 3D A christmas carol. It was actually creepy. I hope I don't have nightmares ;)
Good night moon.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Christmas Pageant
Austin's school Christmas program was this evening. I got there an hour early and got an awesome spot. I think this is the first year that I have actually been able to see him. The kids did a great job with singing the songs. I'm so proud of Austin! And he looked so handsome in the shirt and tie he had on. The only bad part was the twenty-five minute preservice music which consisted of the band and handbells playing. My head was pounding by the end. I played in the band in elementary school and hope to God that we did not sound that bad. My mother assured me that we were not nearly that bad. Thank goodness.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Nothing Much
Nothing much going on right now, but this last weekend seemed very busy. Thursday was Thanksgiving of course. This year we had it at Zion church (I guess our family is getting too big for Aunt Cheryl's house). Then Friday I went shopping with mom and cleaned up a little. Saturday we bought a tree, attempted to decorate it and put up the outside decorations. While my dad assured me that the tree should be securely in place, it proved not to be. As I was decorating, it fell over. Luckily, I was nearby and caught it about half way before it hit the floor. I had to bribe Austin to help me take all of the ornaments off so it would at least stand up long enough to get some more branches sawed off at the bottom. Sunday I got to redecorate the tree (FUN! spoken sarcastically) and mulch the leaves in the yard.
I only have a few more days left before my 32nd birthday. I just feel so old. When did that happen!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
32 Goals for my 32nd Year
Although I am a couple of weeks away from turning 32, I am posting my 32 goals for the next year. They are as follows (in no particular order):
1. Lose weight (the amount will remain my little secret)
2. Get and stay on a budget
3. Exercise most days of the week
4. learn to cook
5. be more positive
6. start Yoga
7. run a mile in 8 minutes
8. take a vacation with only Austin and myself
9. read an inspirational quote every day
10. Get a custody arrangement settled with David
11. pray every day
12. go to church at least 1/2 of the time this year
13. go out more socially
14. scrapbook at least once a month
15. begin knitting
16. watch less t.v. (again, the amount is too embarassing to share with everyone.)
17. be a good friend
18. show kindness to strangers
19. donate something to charity at Christmastime
20. get the house organized and keep it that way
21. play with Austin every day I have him
22. pay more attention to my blog
23. make a new friend
24. keep up with caring for my yard
25. keep my car clean
26. get birthday greetings to people on time
27. buy pretty clothes (this applies if I reach #1)
28. take my vitamins everyday
29. buy a fish for Austin
30. try to clear up my skin
31. wear makeup to work everyday
32. find a good man!
At the end of my 32nd year, I will report my progress on each goal. Wish me luck!
1. Lose weight (the amount will remain my little secret)
2. Get and stay on a budget
3. Exercise most days of the week
4. learn to cook
5. be more positive
6. start Yoga
7. run a mile in 8 minutes
8. take a vacation with only Austin and myself
9. read an inspirational quote every day
10. Get a custody arrangement settled with David
11. pray every day
12. go to church at least 1/2 of the time this year
13. go out more socially
14. scrapbook at least once a month
15. begin knitting
16. watch less t.v. (again, the amount is too embarassing to share with everyone.)
17. be a good friend
18. show kindness to strangers
19. donate something to charity at Christmastime
20. get the house organized and keep it that way
21. play with Austin every day I have him
22. pay more attention to my blog
23. make a new friend
24. keep up with caring for my yard
25. keep my car clean
26. get birthday greetings to people on time
27. buy pretty clothes (this applies if I reach #1)
28. take my vitamins everyday
29. buy a fish for Austin
30. try to clear up my skin
31. wear makeup to work everyday
32. find a good man!
At the end of my 32nd year, I will report my progress on each goal. Wish me luck!
Monday, November 16, 2009
I was browsing through my facebook friends when I came across a picture of 5 or so girls that I went to high school with. And no offense to anyone, but when the heck did I get so old. I was horrified at how old they looked and that I must really look the same way. It made my night look not so good anymore.
On a side note, today is my mom's birthday! (Not that she is old though)
On a side note, today is my mom's birthday! (Not that she is old though)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Austin's August Journal
I am going to put in some select passages from Austin's August Second Grade Journal. I couldn't get the scanned images to upload so I will just write them out as he did.
1. August 19, 2009 - "I love my mom. My mom is nise. I go swimming at my Gramas. I love Mrs. koch."
2. August 24, 2009 - "I go To my gramaws. She has a broken nie. her hasbin is 64. he is nise." (translation - I go to my grandma's. She has a broken knee. Her husband is 64. He is nice.)
3. wants I went to bransin. and we stad in a apartment. we went to a play. it was calld nouwa s ark. the cow Peede on the stage." (Once I went to Branson and we stayed in an apartment. We went to a play. It was called Noah's ark. The cow peed on the stage.)
4. August 31, 2009 "I have a dad. He is kind of nise. He has a cut finger. He has a apartment.
The secretary at the school told me the following story about Austin - Austin was taking something to the office and the school secretary had a bandage on her finger. She said Austin seemed very concerned that she was hurt. He asked how she had gotten the cut. She told him that she was doing some dishes and cut it on a knife that was in the sink. My sweet boy told her, "well you know you could get a dishwasher and that wouldn't happen". I just love some of the things kids say.
1. August 19, 2009 - "I love my mom. My mom is nise. I go swimming at my Gramas. I love Mrs. koch."
2. August 24, 2009 - "I go To my gramaws. She has a broken nie. her hasbin is 64. he is nise." (translation - I go to my grandma's. She has a broken knee. Her husband is 64. He is nice.)
3. wants I went to bransin. and we stad in a apartment. we went to a play. it was calld nouwa s ark. the cow Peede on the stage." (Once I went to Branson and we stayed in an apartment. We went to a play. It was called Noah's ark. The cow peed on the stage.)
4. August 31, 2009 "I have a dad. He is kind of nise. He has a cut finger. He has a apartment.
The secretary at the school told me the following story about Austin - Austin was taking something to the office and the school secretary had a bandage on her finger. She said Austin seemed very concerned that she was hurt. He asked how she had gotten the cut. She told him that she was doing some dishes and cut it on a knife that was in the sink. My sweet boy told her, "well you know you could get a dishwasher and that wouldn't happen". I just love some of the things kids say.
Since I have again been neglecting my blog, I have a series of things to blog about. First, Austin and Cady celebrated their birthdays together this year because our family has had so much going on. Anyway, Aunt Krista made a princess cake for the two of them. Austin didn't seem to mind. And the cake was cute!
Austin's second attempt at blowing out the candles. I think someone bought the trick candles ;)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The lady came to set me up with my CPAP machine today. She had a standard size set of nose pillows (the part of the nose piece that is actually inserted into the nose). She looks at me and says, I can tell just by looking at you that these are not going to fit you. My first thought - Goodness gracious even my nostrils are bigger than average. Then she proceeds to tell me that I need an extra small. Now I can say that at least one part of my body is extra small. It would be nice if it were some other body part but you get what you get and you don't throw a fit.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Rock Climbing and Court
Today was my court appearance. There were some shady looking characters there. And I saw a prisoner pass by me almost shoulder to shoulder (of course in hand cuffs). Still in my dreary mind, I pictured her grabbing my neck and trying to strangle me through her shackles. I also found out that the judge on the original divorce papers did not sign the joint parenting agreement. David's lawyer was arguing that there should be no visitation schedule at all, meaning David could have him whenever he wanted. This was when I was truly glad to have paid for a lawyer. She was kind enough to inform him that the order that the judge did sign made reference to the attached Joint Parenting Agreement and therefore it was legal. So, for now, things will stay the same. And, David has to pay half of the mediation costs. I hope that God can just put some sense in his head so he agrees to a reasonable plan instead of just continuing to want to win.
Tonight was Austin's rock climbing. I have yet to get any good pictures, but will post the ones I do have at a later date. Austin has been extremely lucky. Of the seven weeks that he has attended the lessons, he has been the only one there three times. So he got one on one attention each time. Pretty cool and his teacher is dorky, but awesome with kids (even though he's probably not more than 16 himself).
Tonight was Austin's rock climbing. I have yet to get any good pictures, but will post the ones I do have at a later date. Austin has been extremely lucky. Of the seven weeks that he has attended the lessons, he has been the only one there three times. So he got one on one attention each time. Pretty cool and his teacher is dorky, but awesome with kids (even though he's probably not more than 16 himself).
Friday, October 9, 2009
boy free weekend
This weekend I am Austin free, which I am in desperate need. Although he does not intend to hurt people's feelings, his brutal honesty gets to me sometimes. The other day, I was reaching up to the cabinets and he said, "whoa mom, your arm has A LOT of fat on it". True but hurtful. He then apologized, but that doesn't really make me feel better.
On another note, just earlier this week I realized that it was the middle of October. Holy cow, where did the time go. I only have three weeks until Halloween and Austin's birthday. I haven't bought or planned anything for the birthday. Last night we went out and got Austin a Transformers costume. He wouldn't get the Super Mario one that I thought was so cute. I miss the days of getting to choose. Anyway, I am attaching two pictures of Halloween costumes past. More to come at a later date.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Pictures of ourselves
My dear sweet little boy came into my room tonight with the binder from his early childhood days. The teachers had collected pictures and wrote about each area of development and how Austin was making progress towards each thing. He was looking through all of the pictures and laughing on the bed. He did some reading and said, "This is a great book! We should read this more often." He is a boy after my own heart. As some of you may know his mother was a bit vain as a child and used to sleep with a photo album and a shopping catalog. Great minds must think alike.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I briefly scanned an article on my sister's blog stating that early research may suggest that fat cells taken during liposuction may yeild similar results to using embrionic stem cells. I could save an entire continent of people if this is true.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
new lawn mower
I forgot to write that I got a new lawn mower today. My dad helped me put it together. I had every intension of mowing this evening, but I still feel so sick. I honestly think I have bronchitis again. I'm having some trouble breathing. Oh well, such is the life of a single mom. The grass jungle will be there tomorrow for me to cut.
Rough Week
It has been a rough week at the Ahrens/Linder house this week. I found out last weekend that my great aunt Shirley was dying of cancer. She lost her battle on Tuesday and her funeral was this morning. On Wednesday, I got court papers from David's attorney stating that he is taking me back to court for additional time with Austin (anybody who knows this situation, knows how ridiculous this request is) and he wants me to pay his attorney fees and court fees. I think Krista put it best in her blog when she said that he could take a flying leap. Then later Wednesday night I found out that the father of a little girl in Austin's class died from his diabetes. I didn't know him, but my heart goes out to that poor little girl who lost her daddy when she is only 7 years old. I just pray that next week brings better news.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Not a good day
How come some people with Crohn's Disease die at 29 while others live to be a ripe old age. So far, David has made it to 42. Let's hope its not much longer. Just kidding, I know at least Austin would be upset.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Neglecting the Blog
I have been neglecting my blog lately. Two weeks ago, my sweet momma had her knee replaced. All went well the first time, until she got her staples out. At that time they suspected a possible infection and she had to have yet another surgery. This time she has been in a lot more pain and does not feel as good. Today was her first real outing since her hospital stays. We went to Kohls to buy Ms. Paige a birthday present. Then we went to Red Robin for some expensive hamburgers. I took a sick day because I needed a mental health break (Never a good sign when you are crying by 6:45 in the morning!) I have been back to school for three weeks now and seem to be losing my mind a bit earlier in the school year than in the past. Normally, I don't start going insane until late November. At least I have lost 3 pounds since returning to work.
This week was Austin's first week back at school. I'm not sure how well this year is going to go. This teacher is tough and strict, but Austin needs structure. On the second day of school, Austin was required to sign a computer use agreement for the school. He spelled his name "A-U-S-I-N. I said, "look at that, are you missing something". He looks and it and then stares at me blankly. I said, "Are you missing a letter?" He looks down and adds the "t" like this "A-U-T-S-I-N". I hope this is not a preview of things to come this year. That boy has known how to spell his name since Preschool. He just doesn't pay any attention (Ugh!!)
Finally, only 11 more days before payday. Then we will finally get to buy something, anything. It is so exasperating not having any money.
This week was Austin's first week back at school. I'm not sure how well this year is going to go. This teacher is tough and strict, but Austin needs structure. On the second day of school, Austin was required to sign a computer use agreement for the school. He spelled his name "A-U-S-I-N. I said, "look at that, are you missing something". He looks and it and then stares at me blankly. I said, "Are you missing a letter?" He looks down and adds the "t" like this "A-U-T-S-I-N". I hope this is not a preview of things to come this year. That boy has known how to spell his name since Preschool. He just doesn't pay any attention (Ugh!!)
Finally, only 11 more days before payday. Then we will finally get to buy something, anything. It is so exasperating not having any money.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Work, Mom, stupid people
I have three things to blog about today so my readers will get a treat. Just kidding! First, today was my first day of work. I am actually getting physical ailments when thinking of work (Maybe it is time for a change of job - or at least location). Anyway, I feel a bit lonely this year, being in the schools.
Secondly, my mother is having her right knee replaced and something about it is troubling me deeply. I think it is the recovery process. I'm not sure that she will do all that she needs to do to heal. I am praying that all goes well and she will be up and around again soon.
Lastly, a stupid person of the week alert - on the way home tonight I noticed that my gas light was on so I stopped at the gas station to get a bit of gas. A car shortly pulled up next to me. As I was putting the nozzle back into the pump, I noticed that the man was smoking a cigarette and talking on his cell phone. I don't know what kind of moron he is, but we hurried out of there as to avoid him blowing us up. Boy, you would think that there should be some limit to stupid people, but I keep seeing more and more weekly (sometimes daily!)
Secondly, my mother is having her right knee replaced and something about it is troubling me deeply. I think it is the recovery process. I'm not sure that she will do all that she needs to do to heal. I am praying that all goes well and she will be up and around again soon.
Lastly, a stupid person of the week alert - on the way home tonight I noticed that my gas light was on so I stopped at the gas station to get a bit of gas. A car shortly pulled up next to me. As I was putting the nozzle back into the pump, I noticed that the man was smoking a cigarette and talking on his cell phone. I don't know what kind of moron he is, but we hurried out of there as to avoid him blowing us up. Boy, you would think that there should be some limit to stupid people, but I keep seeing more and more weekly (sometimes daily!)
Friday, July 31, 2009
My big boy
Today was a sad day. We stopped by Kohls to buy some back to school clothes for Austin. And it hit me that I would have to buy size 8 clothes. We had to go to the big boys section. My little boy is now in the big boys section. It made me a little sad. The pants look a little big but I'm sure they will fit in just a couple of months. Poor, poor mommy.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Poof, you are a...
Growing up, my mother tortured my sister and I with the following statement when we asked her to make us _______ (fill in the blank with whatever...eggs, pancakes, etc.) She would say "Poof", act like she was shaking a magic wand, and then conclude, "you're a ___ (whatever we had asked for." I think I have stated before that Austin is a very literal thinker and has some trouble understanding some jokes and slang. So he asked my mother to make him some cereal on Sunday. She replied, "o.k., poof, you are cereal." Austin replied with "ok, I will help you up. Let's go." It seems that he did not get what she was saying and only heard the o.k. part. I should have tried that when I was younger, because she did indeed get up and make it for him.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Christmas songs
I got in the car this morning and had 102.5 on the radio. I was singing along with the songs as I always do, not even paying attention to what I was singing. Then the words came on "102.5 the Christmas station". Still did not notice anything odd. Then Josh Grobin's 'Oh Holy Night' came on. I finally thought, "huh? I wonder why they are playing Christmas music?" Then I realized that it was July 25 and they were doing it as a Christmas in July to help give people incentive to donate to the food pantry. A noble cause I think.
Also, I read on MSN a while ago that one of the big department stores (I think Sears) already has their Christmas displays up.
Also, I read on MSN a while ago that one of the big department stores (I think Sears) already has their Christmas displays up.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I saw the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my whole life tonight. Austin had a baseball game. The rules for first grade say that the kids get three swings and if they do not hit the ball, then they hit off of a tee. However, tonight there was no tee. Initially they just let the kids swing at a bunch. Then they just let the kids run to first without hitting the ball for a while. Then this stupid woman made her own tee. She put a lawn chair upside down and set it in a box. Then they put the ball on top of this. It was RIDICULOUS! and most of the kids weren't hitting any better off of it. We didn't have to worry about it really until Austin's third at bat when they made him use this. I guess I was a little louder than I thought when I told him just to break it so they wouldn't use it anymore. He swung very hard and wacked it a couple of times right below the ball (he really wasn't trying to break it, it was just too high for him), but everyone thought he was trying to break it and they were laughing because of what I had said. Everyone must think I am a horrible influence. I understand that the woman was trying to be inventive, but I have never seen a dumber idea than that.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Golden Girls
I am a big fan of the Golden Girls and have been for quite some time. This summer I have noticed that it is on several times during the day. I normally have it on right when I get up and just before I go to bed. This is also usually when Austin snuggles up with me on the couch. I guess he has come to like the show because last night I walked in his room and he had the Golden Girls on (and it's not on one of his channels - so he had to switch it to get it there). I asked what he was doing and he said, "just watchin' some Golden Girls - what? I like this show".
Off the subject - I have come to the realization that now that Austin can read, I can no longer spell things I don't want him to hear. Since he has a good memory, he works on the word in his head, until he puts all the sounds together. Also, we got a Junie B. Jones chapter book to read and I've never heard him laugh so hard while reading a book. Maybe he will enjoy reading after all.
Off the subject - I have come to the realization that now that Austin can read, I can no longer spell things I don't want him to hear. Since he has a good memory, he works on the word in his head, until he puts all the sounds together. Also, we got a Junie B. Jones chapter book to read and I've never heard him laugh so hard while reading a book. Maybe he will enjoy reading after all.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
WiiFit Age
When I first bought the WiiFit, my WiiFit Age was 32, which is not bad considering that I am morbidly obese and by doctors point of view I should just drop dead any second. Anyway, today when I did an update to the test, I got a WiiFit Age of 49. What a way to backslide. I must say when I fail at something I put my whole heart into it. Really, I think this was mostly because Austin knocked me off of the balance board on one of the tests knocking my score of 93% last time to 21% this time. Oh well, I guess I am just over the hill.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I was in a superWalmart the other day doing some shopping, when I noticed a couple of college guys walking by. In their cart was: three gallon containers of milk and several cereal boxes. Nothing else that I could see. They probably have a box a day. I'm not really sure how they can afford it though with the high price of cereal these days.
Secondly, while watching a reality t.v. show, I saw a woman get milk, add sugar and add honey to a cup. I thought that surely she had to be making something. But, no, she just drank it as it was. Gross!
Secondly, while watching a reality t.v. show, I saw a woman get milk, add sugar and add honey to a cup. I thought that surely she had to be making something. But, no, she just drank it as it was. Gross!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Austin's Baseball
My sister was kind enough to brave the heat and TERRIBLE humidity on Saturday to take pictures of Austin at his baseball game. Thanks Dinky!
Austin looking thrilled to play right field.
Austin waiting for his pitch.
A picture of Austin missing the ball. He did get a couple of great hits that day though. The man in the visor is the good looking professor.
Here Austin is playing catcher and playing with another ball that is on the ground. What an attentive little guy he is. Normally, he really does like to play catcher.

Saturday, July 11, 2009
My sister dearest
I was again on Facebook and got some more disturbing news. I was casually browsing different pages when I happened upon my beautiful little sister's page and noticed that she had 337 friends. That's right 337. Although most people have always liked her better, she clearly blew me out of the water with her numbers. I don't even know that many people, and hey, people are rejecting my friendship requests. Poor, poor, pitiful Monica. Someday, I will find a way to beat her at something.
Friday, July 10, 2009
I got my first, "Mom, don't embarrass me" tonight. We were in Target and there was an adorable girls jacket with flowers on it. I held it up to Austin (as if, to see if it fit him) and said "Do you want me to buy this for you". His face got a little pink, and he responded, "NO! don't embarrass me."
Thursday, July 9, 2009
1. Mom's knees- My mother's knees have been bad for quite some time now. In her right knee there is basically no cartiledge left. So, she has to have them replaced. For now, she is only having the right one done. On Aug. 4 she goes under the knife. I told her she should have it when I am home for the summer so I could help her, but it is scheduled for the day after I go back to work. Oh well. Keep her in your prayers.
2. Anyone who knows Austin, knows what kind of meltdown is coming when he is interrupted. The other day we were over at mom's. I was talking and Austin interrupted. We tried to prompt him several times by saying that I was already talking, but he kept going on. Mom finally said, "Austin, you know how much you hate it when people interrupt you!" Austin said, "yeah," sighing then "but she wasn't saying anything important. What a little booger.
2. Anyone who knows Austin, knows what kind of meltdown is coming when he is interrupted. The other day we were over at mom's. I was talking and Austin interrupted. We tried to prompt him several times by saying that I was already talking, but he kept going on. Mom finally said, "Austin, you know how much you hate it when people interrupt you!" Austin said, "yeah," sighing then "but she wasn't saying anything important. What a little booger.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Late night phone call
Last week I got a phone call at 12:30 in the morning. I got up to see who it was from and noticed it came from my mother's house. I quickly became concerned as they are normally in bed very early. I called back and got a busy signal. I tried calling for about a half hour and then became very worried, thinking one of them had a heart attack or passed out while on the phone. So, I get Austin up and try to dress him. I swear nothing wakes him up. I had to carry him out to the car and drive over to mom and dad's house. There are no lights on inside which actually eases my mind because if either of them had been up, there would have been at least one light on inside. Anyway the bottom lock was locked so I would have had to ring the doorbell. I decided against it and went home. The next day mom told me she had called to try to find the cell phone (because I couldn't find it the night before and thought I had left it at their house). Anyway, she must have accidentally left the phone off the hook. Also, Austin argued that he was never over at their house the night before. He is such a sound sleeper. Good news at the end, nothing bad happened, except carrying Austin hurt my back.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Ok, I must admit that I go to Facebook about every day and every day I wonder why I do. The only people who post are people who I care little about. And, I have requested to be friends with a number of people who are not showing up on my friends list. This means one of two things - either they hit ignore or they have not been on to check their friend requests.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
My sister's keeper
I finished reading the book, knowing that it would make me cry, but I cried for almost 15 minutes straight. I'm glad Austin was already asleep.
Baseball game
The weather was beautiful for Austin's game last night. There was a gentle breeze and when standing in the shade, it felt cool out. Austin did extremely well last night. He fielded all of the balls that came to him and paid attention (even without his meds). One poor little boy got hit in the chest with a ball while playing first base. You could hear the thud as the ball hit him from the stands. So his parents went out and collected him from the field. Seconds later, I saw another parent carrying another boy off of the field crying. We later found out that it was the boy who threw the ball. He was so upset that he had hurt the other boy that he just broke down crying. It was very sad and sweet at the same time. I wonder when boys lose this.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Baby and Austin
Baby was staying with mom this week because I was volunteering at VBS. On Friday, she called to tell me that Baby had some kind of blockage with her bowels and the vet had to do surgery. She has had a rough year! Anyway, it appears all went well with the surgery but she is not eating or drinking much. I take her back in two weeks to see if the swelling was just due to the infection or if there is a mass. Hopefully, it was just the infection and the antibiotics will clear it up.
Austin started on his meds again this week since he had VBS. I'm not sure they are the reason for the following, but I don't know what else could have been the cause. Last night I put Austin down to bed at about 9. At 11 something he woke me up and asked if it was time to wake up. I told him "no" and to go back to sleep. He woke me again at 1 something, trying to talk to me. I woke up several times last night (mostly because he wanted to talk) and found that he had been watching t.v. and playing in the living room. On each occassion, I put him back in bed, but apparently he never actually went back to sleep after the 1:00 awakening. He was showing no signs of being tired until about 4:30 this afternoon when we were in the car and he just fell asleep as he was talking. I couldn't wake him up so I had to carry him into the house myself (it's been a while since I had to lift 55 pounds of dead weight). Anyway, I tried several times to wake him up with no success. I got him to open his eyes a couple of times, but he wouldn't get up. He has now been sleeping for five hours. Hopefully, he sleeps through the night tonight so we don't have a replay of what happened today.
Austin started on his meds again this week since he had VBS. I'm not sure they are the reason for the following, but I don't know what else could have been the cause. Last night I put Austin down to bed at about 9. At 11 something he woke me up and asked if it was time to wake up. I told him "no" and to go back to sleep. He woke me again at 1 something, trying to talk to me. I woke up several times last night (mostly because he wanted to talk) and found that he had been watching t.v. and playing in the living room. On each occassion, I put him back in bed, but apparently he never actually went back to sleep after the 1:00 awakening. He was showing no signs of being tired until about 4:30 this afternoon when we were in the car and he just fell asleep as he was talking. I couldn't wake him up so I had to carry him into the house myself (it's been a while since I had to lift 55 pounds of dead weight). Anyway, I tried several times to wake him up with no success. I got him to open his eyes a couple of times, but he wouldn't get up. He has now been sleeping for five hours. Hopefully, he sleeps through the night tonight so we don't have a replay of what happened today.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Weight Watchers
Today was my first week weigh-in at WW and I lost 5.2 pounds. I'm very happy, although I was hoping for more due to my starting weight. I found myself getting annoyed at one of the ladies there and I envisioned myself post menopause. I am going to be the horribly crabby lady on the street who everyone is scared of.
Monday, June 22, 2009
I volunteered for Vacation Bible School this week at Trinity. Many of the station leaders commented on how rowdy the kids were in my group. In my defense, I did have quite a few trouble makers. Anyway, because of low attendance, my group will be split up tomorrow to join other groups. Maybe I won't have to go anymore ;) kidding. It was actually kind of fun. Austin was in a different group (which I requested) with his best friend. I was really glad because normally he gets clingy when he's not with his friends. His second grade teacher also informed him and introduced him to a new student that will be in the class next year. When I saw the teacher talking to him, I thought he was in trouble so I was glad to hear that she was just trying to help the new kid make friends.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Nothing going on
I told people that I would have more time this summer to blog because I was posting so infrequently during the school year. I do have more time now, but there is nothing to talk about. My days are all the same, blending together. I have already lost track of what day it is. I have to check the calendar several times a day to remind myself that it is Friday, etc.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Florida favorites
We were in the car on the way home from Florida when Mom asked Austin what was the most fun thing he did in Florida. His answer – was it Busch Gardens or swimming in the ocean or sliding on the massive water slide, maybe? No, it was going to McDonald’s.
I had fun in FL. While we did a lot of walking in Busch Gardens, overall it was fun. We saw a couple of cute shows. One was a 4D Pirate show. It was pretty cool because they had sprayers on the seats in front of you which squirted at certain parts and also blowers. At one point, there were bats flying at us in 3D and then blowers shot at us at the neck and on the legs, that was a little too creepy for me. We took a train trip through the animal part which was pretty neat. We saw the giraffes actually come up to one of the safari truck tours and let the people pet them. That would have been cool, but it cost $30 a person. It did rain very hard for a while, but that cooled me down a bit. I’m not a huge fan of the ocean, but I did go in a short distance. Austin and I also built sand castles. The hotel was beautiful, it was just sooo packed with people, the pools were always too crowded to get in.
On another note, I was unpacking from the trip and doing laundry and didn’t know Austin was on the computer. I had a laundry basket in my hand, partially obstructing my view. Austin suddenly jumped up and growled and scared the crap out of me. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Oh well, I guess a good jumpstart like that is good every once in a while.
I had fun in FL. While we did a lot of walking in Busch Gardens, overall it was fun. We saw a couple of cute shows. One was a 4D Pirate show. It was pretty cool because they had sprayers on the seats in front of you which squirted at certain parts and also blowers. At one point, there were bats flying at us in 3D and then blowers shot at us at the neck and on the legs, that was a little too creepy for me. We took a train trip through the animal part which was pretty neat. We saw the giraffes actually come up to one of the safari truck tours and let the people pet them. That would have been cool, but it cost $30 a person. It did rain very hard for a while, but that cooled me down a bit. I’m not a huge fan of the ocean, but I did go in a short distance. Austin and I also built sand castles. The hotel was beautiful, it was just sooo packed with people, the pools were always too crowded to get in.
On another note, I was unpacking from the trip and doing laundry and didn’t know Austin was on the computer. I had a laundry basket in my hand, partially obstructing my view. Austin suddenly jumped up and growled and scared the crap out of me. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Oh well, I guess a good jumpstart like that is good every once in a while.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Busch Gardens and the beach
Yesterday we went to the beach and had lots of fun. Today we went to Busch Gardens. It had its fun moments as well. I just don't like the heat. I don't know why someone would want to live in the heat all of the time. And of course, dad complaining all of the time and mom egging him on.
Austin had a somewhat disappointing day at Busch Gardens. He only got to ride a couple of rides because we had to do what dad wanted first. Then when it was his turn, it poured and he didn't get the chance to ride. He had been asking for cotton candy all day so I thought he should rightfully get something he wanted.
Austin climbing high up in the air at Busch Gardens
Sunday, June 7, 2009
We are in Florida now, but I have been very crabby. Our flight was pretty entertaining though. We had a flight attendant who has been on Jay Leno and there is a video of him on Youtube rapping the airline safety regulations. If you would like to get a peek, go to It is a little bit different and we had two female flight attendants who were younger and danced during the demonstrations which made it even better.
Today we plan on going to the beach. That should be fun.
Today we plan on going to the beach. That should be fun.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Family Heart Problems
It's a little scary because there have been some heart problems on my mom's side of the family recently. My 32 year old cousin had a heart attack and my 20 year old cousin found out she has a leaky heart valve (or something similar). What news within two weeks of one another.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Austin and I were driving around last night and ran across some kids playing baseball. He asked if we could watch so we did for a while. I'm glad he is finally showing interest in it. He asked all sorts of questions and wanted to know all of the rules. (Maybe there is hope for him yet).
Anyway, today was Austin's first game since it rained on Thursday. It felt pretty hot out there and the game before his ran over by 45 minutes. Those poor boys were rosey cheeked before the game even started. Austin did fairly well (got two hits with the coach pitching, one with the tee) and almost got someone out while playing second base. The happenings in the bleachers were much more eventful. A little boy fell on the bleachers and busted his mouth. After several minutes of not being able to control it, the mother left to take him to the ER thinking he may need stitches. Then, shortly after, a woman fainted. What an eventful (and bad) day for those people!
Anyway, today was Austin's first game since it rained on Thursday. It felt pretty hot out there and the game before his ran over by 45 minutes. Those poor boys were rosey cheeked before the game even started. Austin did fairly well (got two hits with the coach pitching, one with the tee) and almost got someone out while playing second base. The happenings in the bleachers were much more eventful. A little boy fell on the bleachers and busted his mouth. After several minutes of not being able to control it, the mother left to take him to the ER thinking he may need stitches. Then, shortly after, a woman fainted. What an eventful (and bad) day for those people!
Friday, May 22, 2009
The internet
I think I am addicted to the internet. I have been sitting on the computer for at least an hour and a half looking at nothing. Who knew all of this useless knowledge existed. It is taking up premium space in my aging brain.
First Grade Girls
The other day Austin and I were talking in the car. He brought up the subject of girls. I think I have mentioned before that he is enamoured with a girl named Jennifer. However, he told me today that another boy is "into her" too. So, if she chooses him then Austin will have to find another girlfriend. He was debating between Elke (an extremely smart little thing-parents love her) and Alaina - a girl with beautiful blonde hair (Austin already likes the blondes) who is always always dressed impeccably. He decided on Alaina because "she's pretty cute...and sometimes she has cute shirts". Austin always has a way of putting his own spin on things and it always makes me laugh. He is such a treat to have around most of the time.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
After years of school and working with kids, I still do not understand my own child. I helped him get started on a worksheet this morning and he turns to me and says (with a completely serious face) "sometimes when I don't know how to do a worksheet, I just put it in my desk". I just don't know what he is thinking. I informed him that when he doesn't understand, he needs to ask the teacher and she would be glad to help. holey moley.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Days of school
28 more school days for me before summer break (and it seems like just as many eligibility meetings) and 22 more school days for Austin. Apparently, they did not have as many snow days as we did.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
We went to Austin's doctor today to get an opinion about ADHD. David, Austin's teacher and I completed rating scales to give our take on austin. As I suspected, everyone said he was very inattentive, somewhat impulsive, but has little hyperactivity. However, since it is impacting his schoolwork (thankfully, not his grades yet because his teacher is forgiving and lets him finish work even when he turns it in blank) we decided to try medicine. We had to wait for an hour before the doctor came in. I think it may have been a test to see how worked up Austin would be in a tiny room after sitting there for a long period of time. Of course he was like a monkey in a cage. Anyway, part of the conversation is as follows: Doctor looks at the chart
Doctor to me: so you're a school psychologist
Me: yes
Doctor to David: so what do you know about ADD/ADHD
David (staring blankly), then: not much
Me: His oldest daughter has ADHD
Doctor to David: (explaining the different types of ADHD)
then it occurs to me that David told me that he had ADHD at one point. We began talking about different types of medicine
David: I know about Concerta I used to take it
Doctor: Oh (making a note in the file - probably stating Dad is an idiot)
David: yes, I have been diagnosed with adult ADHD
Doctor: Ohhhh (making more notes)
I think the doctor understands where Austin's problems lie.
Doctor to me: so you're a school psychologist
Me: yes
Doctor to David: so what do you know about ADD/ADHD
David (staring blankly), then: not much
Me: His oldest daughter has ADHD
Doctor to David: (explaining the different types of ADHD)
then it occurs to me that David told me that he had ADHD at one point. We began talking about different types of medicine
David: I know about Concerta I used to take it
Doctor: Oh (making a note in the file - probably stating Dad is an idiot)
David: yes, I have been diagnosed with adult ADHD
Doctor: Ohhhh (making more notes)
I think the doctor understands where Austin's problems lie.
Friday, April 17, 2009
I have had a productive spring break in which I got a pedicure. However, very little actual work was completed.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Spring Break
Spring Break is FINALLY here. It's almost summer for goodness sakes. Happy spring break to me and my Riverview buddies, and happy Easter to all.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Austin got married
This is what I heard when I went to pick him up from daycare today. Not suprising since I have heard Austin say he was going to marry Allysa or Jennifer for a while now. I guess he finally decided on Allysa. The workers said he picked a dandelion boquet for her and everything. Isn't my boy sweet. (Although he only picked his mother one dandelion the other day.) I guess Austin thinks he better start now if he is going to be married more times than his dad (just kidding).
Monday, April 6, 2009
Snow on Spring Break
No, it is not my spring break yet, but the first official no school day for Austin's spring break was snowy. There is just something a bit bizarre about that. I'm hoping for good weather for my spring break next week. It is so close and yet feels so far away.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The Weekend
Why is there always so much to do on the weekend? Owning a home is just not for a lazy person. It is forcing me to get off my butt.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The other day a new student with Autism came to school just to get somewhat familiar with the building before he officially starts. The school has green lines in the hallway for the children to walk on (their way of maintaining order, I guess). The teacher told him to walk on the green line, which he did happily until he got to a place where a table was over the green line. He looked at it, got on his hands and knees and crawled along the green line. The teacher (who is WONDERFUL) gently told him that if something is on the green line, he can walk around it. I thought this was just too cute for words. These kids are so precious.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Wii Fit
I bought a Wii Fit on Sunday and decided to try it out. My sister warned me that she heard if you are overweight, it makes the stomach of your Mii pop out. So, I was prepared for that. I got to see my totally ridiculous BMI (which I already knew). Anyway, I tried out the exercises and was surprised at how uncoordinated I am at the balancing tasks. I must say though that I did very well with the hula hoop. I wish I could hula hoop in real life. Maybe I will make that a goal of mine.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Red Wedding Dress
I had a conversation with Austin today that went something like this:
Austin: I love you and you are the best woman in the whole wide world
Me: Thank you, what do you love about me
Austin: well, I love that you buy me (blah, blah, blah)
Me: or because I take care of you and give you what you need and hugs and kisses
Austin: that too, and because you wear beautiful clothes
Me: I wish I could fit into some of my beautiful clothes
Austin: like a dress
Me: I don't think I have any dresses anymore
Austin: Patty wore a red dress to her wedding
That is all I needed to hear. What kind of slut wears a red wedding dress? And, by the way, I saw her very pregnant belly today (but she's not pregnant, so we have to keep the secret;)).
Austin: I love you and you are the best woman in the whole wide world
Me: Thank you, what do you love about me
Austin: well, I love that you buy me (blah, blah, blah)
Me: or because I take care of you and give you what you need and hugs and kisses
Austin: that too, and because you wear beautiful clothes
Me: I wish I could fit into some of my beautiful clothes
Austin: like a dress
Me: I don't think I have any dresses anymore
Austin: Patty wore a red dress to her wedding
That is all I needed to hear. What kind of slut wears a red wedding dress? And, by the way, I saw her very pregnant belly today (but she's not pregnant, so we have to keep the secret;)).
I just found out that I have hypothyrodism. It shouldn't be suprizing to hear since my mom and sister both have it, but never the less, I have to take yet another medicine. Boy, I am really feeling old and sickly lately.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
testing kids
Every once in a while I get a child who reminds me why I do this job. Today I tested a girl who was having a very hard time on the IQ test. Anyway, she made me laugh when I asked her to repeat a series of numbers and she replied, "I can't, it just keeps falling out of my head". This poor little thing was a treat to work with, she was so humerous.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
David's getting married
David called yesterday and said he was getting married to his long-term "bedroom buddy". The wedding will take place at the courthouse next Friday. Is there reason for a shotgun wedding? I think so. Only time will tell.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
home show
Mom, dad, Austin and I went to the homeshow on Thursday night. I wasn't sure what to expect from Austin because I know he loves infomercials but he hates going to stores. We got there and he LOVED it. It wanted to stop and watch all of the people do their exhibits and watch the shows that were going on. He was so well behaved. When we left, he said "that was the best store ever, they have everything". I, spent too much money, but hopefully, my purchases were good investments.
Austin's nose

On Wednesday afternoon I got a voice mail from the secretary at the school saying that it was 3:00 and no one had picked Austin up. Guess what irresponsible father forgot him again. I returned the call and she said that David was on his way, but also that Austin had a fall on the playground (not suprising as my boy is a bit clumsy). She said he had scraped his nose and I of course thought, "no big deal". When I saw him, it looked worse than I thought it would. Austin said it was bleeding on the inside of his nose to. But, my brave boy trooped on and it didn't even seem to phase him.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Due to my low back pain, I took some anti-inflamatory medication. Within a few days, hives began to appear everywhere. This is my first experience with hives and I'm not sure that I like them much. They interrupted my interview with Troy.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Y98 wedding
I heard a while back that Y98 was having a wedding contest. The station did a nice job of saying that this would take place on Valentine's Day eve. However, it strikes me as odd that this year Valentine's day eve is also Friday the thirteenth. I'm not sure that I would want to be married on that day.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Visit to the doctor
At 31, one would think that they do not need to worry about getting shots at a routine doctor's visit. However, as I am a new patient to this particular doctor we had a fairly in depth conversation about my history and it was uncovered that I had not had a tentnis (sp?) shot in about 15 years. So, I got to get one (hooray). Also, she convinced me to get a flu shot. Needless to say, my left arm is very sore and swollen from the tetnis and my right arm is a bit sore when someone touches it from the flu shot. Oh well, it's only temporary. I think I really will like this doctor.
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