Friday, July 31, 2009
My big boy
Today was a sad day. We stopped by Kohls to buy some back to school clothes for Austin. And it hit me that I would have to buy size 8 clothes. We had to go to the big boys section. My little boy is now in the big boys section. It made me a little sad. The pants look a little big but I'm sure they will fit in just a couple of months. Poor, poor mommy.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Poof, you are a...
Growing up, my mother tortured my sister and I with the following statement when we asked her to make us _______ (fill in the blank with whatever...eggs, pancakes, etc.) She would say "Poof", act like she was shaking a magic wand, and then conclude, "you're a ___ (whatever we had asked for." I think I have stated before that Austin is a very literal thinker and has some trouble understanding some jokes and slang. So he asked my mother to make him some cereal on Sunday. She replied, "o.k., poof, you are cereal." Austin replied with "ok, I will help you up. Let's go." It seems that he did not get what she was saying and only heard the o.k. part. I should have tried that when I was younger, because she did indeed get up and make it for him.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Christmas songs
I got in the car this morning and had 102.5 on the radio. I was singing along with the songs as I always do, not even paying attention to what I was singing. Then the words came on "102.5 the Christmas station". Still did not notice anything odd. Then Josh Grobin's 'Oh Holy Night' came on. I finally thought, "huh? I wonder why they are playing Christmas music?" Then I realized that it was July 25 and they were doing it as a Christmas in July to help give people incentive to donate to the food pantry. A noble cause I think.
Also, I read on MSN a while ago that one of the big department stores (I think Sears) already has their Christmas displays up.
Also, I read on MSN a while ago that one of the big department stores (I think Sears) already has their Christmas displays up.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I saw the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my whole life tonight. Austin had a baseball game. The rules for first grade say that the kids get three swings and if they do not hit the ball, then they hit off of a tee. However, tonight there was no tee. Initially they just let the kids swing at a bunch. Then they just let the kids run to first without hitting the ball for a while. Then this stupid woman made her own tee. She put a lawn chair upside down and set it in a box. Then they put the ball on top of this. It was RIDICULOUS! and most of the kids weren't hitting any better off of it. We didn't have to worry about it really until Austin's third at bat when they made him use this. I guess I was a little louder than I thought when I told him just to break it so they wouldn't use it anymore. He swung very hard and wacked it a couple of times right below the ball (he really wasn't trying to break it, it was just too high for him), but everyone thought he was trying to break it and they were laughing because of what I had said. Everyone must think I am a horrible influence. I understand that the woman was trying to be inventive, but I have never seen a dumber idea than that.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Golden Girls
I am a big fan of the Golden Girls and have been for quite some time. This summer I have noticed that it is on several times during the day. I normally have it on right when I get up and just before I go to bed. This is also usually when Austin snuggles up with me on the couch. I guess he has come to like the show because last night I walked in his room and he had the Golden Girls on (and it's not on one of his channels - so he had to switch it to get it there). I asked what he was doing and he said, "just watchin' some Golden Girls - what? I like this show".
Off the subject - I have come to the realization that now that Austin can read, I can no longer spell things I don't want him to hear. Since he has a good memory, he works on the word in his head, until he puts all the sounds together. Also, we got a Junie B. Jones chapter book to read and I've never heard him laugh so hard while reading a book. Maybe he will enjoy reading after all.
Off the subject - I have come to the realization that now that Austin can read, I can no longer spell things I don't want him to hear. Since he has a good memory, he works on the word in his head, until he puts all the sounds together. Also, we got a Junie B. Jones chapter book to read and I've never heard him laugh so hard while reading a book. Maybe he will enjoy reading after all.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
WiiFit Age
When I first bought the WiiFit, my WiiFit Age was 32, which is not bad considering that I am morbidly obese and by doctors point of view I should just drop dead any second. Anyway, today when I did an update to the test, I got a WiiFit Age of 49. What a way to backslide. I must say when I fail at something I put my whole heart into it. Really, I think this was mostly because Austin knocked me off of the balance board on one of the tests knocking my score of 93% last time to 21% this time. Oh well, I guess I am just over the hill.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I was in a superWalmart the other day doing some shopping, when I noticed a couple of college guys walking by. In their cart was: three gallon containers of milk and several cereal boxes. Nothing else that I could see. They probably have a box a day. I'm not really sure how they can afford it though with the high price of cereal these days.
Secondly, while watching a reality t.v. show, I saw a woman get milk, add sugar and add honey to a cup. I thought that surely she had to be making something. But, no, she just drank it as it was. Gross!
Secondly, while watching a reality t.v. show, I saw a woman get milk, add sugar and add honey to a cup. I thought that surely she had to be making something. But, no, she just drank it as it was. Gross!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Austin's Baseball
My sister was kind enough to brave the heat and TERRIBLE humidity on Saturday to take pictures of Austin at his baseball game. Thanks Dinky!
Austin looking thrilled to play right field.
Austin waiting for his pitch.
A picture of Austin missing the ball. He did get a couple of great hits that day though. The man in the visor is the good looking professor.
Here Austin is playing catcher and playing with another ball that is on the ground. What an attentive little guy he is. Normally, he really does like to play catcher.

Saturday, July 11, 2009
My sister dearest
I was again on Facebook and got some more disturbing news. I was casually browsing different pages when I happened upon my beautiful little sister's page and noticed that she had 337 friends. That's right 337. Although most people have always liked her better, she clearly blew me out of the water with her numbers. I don't even know that many people, and hey, people are rejecting my friendship requests. Poor, poor, pitiful Monica. Someday, I will find a way to beat her at something.
Friday, July 10, 2009
I got my first, "Mom, don't embarrass me" tonight. We were in Target and there was an adorable girls jacket with flowers on it. I held it up to Austin (as if, to see if it fit him) and said "Do you want me to buy this for you". His face got a little pink, and he responded, "NO! don't embarrass me."
Thursday, July 9, 2009
1. Mom's knees- My mother's knees have been bad for quite some time now. In her right knee there is basically no cartiledge left. So, she has to have them replaced. For now, she is only having the right one done. On Aug. 4 she goes under the knife. I told her she should have it when I am home for the summer so I could help her, but it is scheduled for the day after I go back to work. Oh well. Keep her in your prayers.
2. Anyone who knows Austin, knows what kind of meltdown is coming when he is interrupted. The other day we were over at mom's. I was talking and Austin interrupted. We tried to prompt him several times by saying that I was already talking, but he kept going on. Mom finally said, "Austin, you know how much you hate it when people interrupt you!" Austin said, "yeah," sighing then "but she wasn't saying anything important. What a little booger.
2. Anyone who knows Austin, knows what kind of meltdown is coming when he is interrupted. The other day we were over at mom's. I was talking and Austin interrupted. We tried to prompt him several times by saying that I was already talking, but he kept going on. Mom finally said, "Austin, you know how much you hate it when people interrupt you!" Austin said, "yeah," sighing then "but she wasn't saying anything important. What a little booger.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Late night phone call
Last week I got a phone call at 12:30 in the morning. I got up to see who it was from and noticed it came from my mother's house. I quickly became concerned as they are normally in bed very early. I called back and got a busy signal. I tried calling for about a half hour and then became very worried, thinking one of them had a heart attack or passed out while on the phone. So, I get Austin up and try to dress him. I swear nothing wakes him up. I had to carry him out to the car and drive over to mom and dad's house. There are no lights on inside which actually eases my mind because if either of them had been up, there would have been at least one light on inside. Anyway the bottom lock was locked so I would have had to ring the doorbell. I decided against it and went home. The next day mom told me she had called to try to find the cell phone (because I couldn't find it the night before and thought I had left it at their house). Anyway, she must have accidentally left the phone off the hook. Also, Austin argued that he was never over at their house the night before. He is such a sound sleeper. Good news at the end, nothing bad happened, except carrying Austin hurt my back.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Ok, I must admit that I go to Facebook about every day and every day I wonder why I do. The only people who post are people who I care little about. And, I have requested to be friends with a number of people who are not showing up on my friends list. This means one of two things - either they hit ignore or they have not been on to check their friend requests.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
My sister's keeper
I finished reading the book, knowing that it would make me cry, but I cried for almost 15 minutes straight. I'm glad Austin was already asleep.
Baseball game
The weather was beautiful for Austin's game last night. There was a gentle breeze and when standing in the shade, it felt cool out. Austin did extremely well last night. He fielded all of the balls that came to him and paid attention (even without his meds). One poor little boy got hit in the chest with a ball while playing first base. You could hear the thud as the ball hit him from the stands. So his parents went out and collected him from the field. Seconds later, I saw another parent carrying another boy off of the field crying. We later found out that it was the boy who threw the ball. He was so upset that he had hurt the other boy that he just broke down crying. It was very sad and sweet at the same time. I wonder when boys lose this.
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