Last night bad weather came through the area. Because I am a little bit of a baby, I stayed at my mom and dad's house. I have never really liked storms. The tornado sirens went off and we went downstairs. No power loss or anything at their house. I went home around 11:30 to see one of my trees split in two. The neighbor came over and said that power had just come back on after being off all night. I'm lucky I guess because much of the town is still without power tonight. It took four hours today to clean up the one tree. I am so thankful to dad and my brother-in-law Jason who helped cut the tree limbs and take the rest of the tree down. I am also thankful that the tree didn't fall the other way and crash into the carport.

before the cleanup
after dad and Jason worked their magic.
Luckily the city said they would come and pick up all of the cut limbs since it was due to storm damage. I would have hated to pay someone to do it after all that work.