Thursday, July 9, 2009


1. Mom's knees- My mother's knees have been bad for quite some time now. In her right knee there is basically no cartiledge left. So, she has to have them replaced. For now, she is only having the right one done. On Aug. 4 she goes under the knife. I told her she should have it when I am home for the summer so I could help her, but it is scheduled for the day after I go back to work. Oh well. Keep her in your prayers.

2. Anyone who knows Austin, knows what kind of meltdown is coming when he is interrupted. The other day we were over at mom's. I was talking and Austin interrupted. We tried to prompt him several times by saying that I was already talking, but he kept going on. Mom finally said, "Austin, you know how much you hate it when people interrupt you!" Austin said, "yeah," sighing then "but she wasn't saying anything important. What a little booger.

1 comment:

Krista P said...

He's such a turd - takes after his Momma. lol

Mom says she'll be in the hospital until that Friday so we'll all be able to help her that weekend. I have vacation time if she does need someone around. Maybe you can work short days the first few days? :)

Jason has vacation on August 13th & 14th so I requested those days off too. Maybe I can spend those days at Moms.