Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I saw the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my whole life tonight. Austin had a baseball game. The rules for first grade say that the kids get three swings and if they do not hit the ball, then they hit off of a tee. However, tonight there was no tee. Initially they just let the kids swing at a bunch. Then they just let the kids run to first without hitting the ball for a while. Then this stupid woman made her own tee. She put a lawn chair upside down and set it in a box. Then they put the ball on top of this. It was RIDICULOUS! and most of the kids weren't hitting any better off of it. We didn't have to worry about it really until Austin's third at bat when they made him use this. I guess I was a little louder than I thought when I told him just to break it so they wouldn't use it anymore. He swung very hard and wacked it a couple of times right below the ball (he really wasn't trying to break it, it was just too high for him), but everyone thought he was trying to break it and they were laughing because of what I had said. Everyone must think I am a horrible influence. I understand that the woman was trying to be inventive, but I have never seen a dumber idea than that.

1 comment:

Krista P said...

What I wouldn't give to have seen that. Start carrying your phone around more so you can snap pictures with it - so we can be jerks and make fun of people. lol