Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Day

On the first week of returning to school from winter break, I am now on my second snow day in a row (yeah!) Today I am just going to relax. I have been clearning for about a week and a half because my house is being appraised today. Hopefully, I will get what I need to refinance. For those of you who don't know, on one of those cleaning days, my mom dropped a metal bar (to a storage shelf) on my foot. Because it was swelling, painful and bruised I eventually went to the urgent care center. They x-rayed it and found no fractures, just a contusion (bruise). It was way better, but after returning to work and walking on it more, it has started swelling pretty bad again and it burns again. Its a bit bruised still, but that is going away. Besides dropping the beam on my foot, I really appreciate all of the help my mom gave me. I would never have finished without her help.

I know I have talked to some people about this already, but I remember when the snow seemed to be way higher when I was little (or maybe it just looked higher because I was shorter). Anyway, I saw a little blurb on the news website that St. Louis did, in fact, have almost double the snowfall in the 70s and each decade has since produced significantly less. The most snow on record since 1970 fell in 1977 (the year I was born) and 1978 (the year Krista was born). Just some uselfess info for all of you.

Also, Austin got a new DSi because his old DS stopped working. He had $79 from Christmas that he used and I supplied the rest. (What a good mom I am to get that from him right after Christmas).

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