Friday, June 11, 2010


While I know I am forgetful, there are some people that I wonder how they manage to get through life. Last night Austin had a baseball game. I was about five minutes late and saw my mom sitting in the bleachers already. She said, "Austin's not here". Mom, dad or I did not have our phones so a very nice gentleman from the other team offered to let me use his (the kindness of strangers!) I called David and after a somewhat difficult to understand conversation realized that he thought the game started at 7:30 instead of 6. When he got to the game at 7 David came over and yelled at me while poking me with his finger (Talk about embarrassing - not only for me but pretty soon Austin is going to be old enough to see this too). When I got home and checked my phone, I had 10 missed calls from him and three messages saying, "my schedule right in front of me says, June 3 @7:30". I felt like saying, "yes, genius, but today is June 10. Get a clue."

1 comment:

Krista P said...

You know, it does surprise me how D has managed to function. What I worry about, GENUINELY WORRY about, is that something will happen to Austin because of D's lack of grasp on reality.