Saturday, May 25, 2013

Crazy with a capital C!

For those of you have not heard, I have another crazy David story.  It just amazes me how I still have to clean up his messes 6 years after our divorce.  Anyway, Austin had a baseball game last Wednesday.  I left early.  I got a call from David at about 10:15 that night, so imagined it wasn't a good sign.  Well David admitted to having a verbal altercation with the coach and he threatened them.  At 10:30 I got a call from a local number that I did not recognize.  My thought is that it must be the coach.  I was slightly put off by the fact that he would call so late, but answered the phone anyway. Was it the coach, you may ask? No, it in fact was not the coach, but the village police calling for David.  His number had been recently disconnected and they needed the new one.  After telling that I was not his girlfriend, but in fact his ex-wife, they asked if he had a temper.  At 11:00 David called back, yelling some more.  The next day David called, ticked off that I had given the police his phone number and that I said he had a temper.  Like I'm going to lie to the police for that crazy cakes.  Anyway...the saga continues.  I got a call that night from the head of the title league trying to reach David.  They told me that they had to consider whether or not Austin could play anymore.  So, I'm upset and Austin is upset and David still denies any wrongdoing in this mess.  Now he is telling people that the coach is on drugs.  When will this craziness end.  I swear, you make one bad decision and it screws you up for the rest of your life.  At least this story has an okay ending.  Austin still gets to play.  Now if the coach will play him...I guess we shall see.

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