Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The sickness is a comin'

I guess a more appropriate thing to say is the sickness is already here.  I have been sick for about five days now.  I have a sore throat, earache and just general icky feeling (no fever).  I don't even know who to blame this time.  It could be that I get sick every November and so it was just bound to happen.  It could also be that I have started working in a new germ pool and my immune system hasn't had time to adjust.  Or, it could be that I spent time last weekend with some sick members of the Podstawa clan, and Highland has some nasty vicious germs.  I'll think about who I want to blame for a while :)  Today, Austin woke up coughing and sneezing.  He stayed home from school because he felt sick at his stomach.  So he stayed with Grandma Bev and Grandpa Ger.  He took a nap because he was bored (I think it may have been because he was sick) and then went to bed tonight at 7:30 on his own.  He didn't eat anything almost all day.  I feel so bad for Austin when he feels sick, but its even worse when I feel like crud too :(

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