Friday, July 18, 2014

summer summer summer time

So, it's been a semi-uneventful summer so far.  This is a good thing in my book.  Just getting caught up on some doctor's appointments and such.  A couple of weeks ago Austin and I attended the Meade's annual party.  We really lucked out because it was a stunning cool day for July 5th.  I am posting some of the pictures from the event.  Baseball has finally come to a close with the end of the season tournament last weekend.  Austin was super crabby about his position and the games in general so I am glad we don't have to deal with it anymore.  Now, for volleyball practice.  Austin plans on trying out for the middle school team this year.  I am really hopeful that he makes it.  He has already had so many disappointments surrounding school.

Austin enjoyed some swinging time at the party.  I think that was the first time he had been on a swing in years.
 Some of the boys taught Austin how to play washers.  He didn't seem like a natural.

              Austin was a little upset that he weighed to much to ride the pony.  He had to walk beside it :(

 Just a picture of the pond.  Makes me think of being little at the farm.  I never did enjoy going swimming in there though because it was gross and filled with fish.

 Austin playing left field (his position for 95% of the tournament).  He was none to happy and was a bad sport about it too.
                              Playing second base one inning.  He played second base most of the year.

                                                          Austin batting at the tournament

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