Friday, February 26, 2010

Boy Scouts Pack meeting 1

last night Austin had his first Boy Scout pack meeting. The meeting entailed getting his first badge and it was also their pinewood derby. The car was not well cut (thanks, David) and I am not very artistic, but, nevertheless Austin had fun decorating it.

Austin putting on the first coat of paint. It didn't turn out to be exactly aqua, but I think it worked.

There were several heats of races. This was one that Austin lost, but it was cute how all of the boys watched so intently.

The competition cars

This was the campfire (cute, huh?) all the boys added their sticks to the pile to fuel the flame.

This was taken after the race when the boys were having fun playing around.

Austin and his friend Sam eating cake after the ceremony.

All of the boys got a certificate for something. Austin won for most colorful car.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Way to go Greatest Nephew Austin!!!