Friday, February 5, 2010

The Bug

We were infected this week, not by the flu bug but by strep. I was just saying last week how I hated to get strep because it makes me so miserable. I am finally feeling a bit better, actually much better than I was. That happened pretty quickly once the fever left. My poor boy has it too. Actually he was the one who probably gave it to me. Anyway, I remember having a lot to make up in school when out due to illness, but Austin has to make up a science test, a spelling test, a memory verse, and his valentine's progect with all of the work he already has to complete for next week which includes two more tests and a math folder. Goodness gracious! I don't remember second grade being this much work. Whew!

1 comment:

Krista P said...

Think it's the teacher or the grade level?