Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Christmas season

Well, I wasn't really feeling the Christmas season like I do most years.  I did manage to get up a tree and listen to holiday music hoping that it would put me in the Christmas spirit.  But it never really came until today.  I really miss going to advent services at church.  They used to be my favorite services, but now since the new pastor has taken over, he puts all of the church/school programs during the services and the church is too crowded to see anything.  I am also getting a little meaner than I used to be and feel like an old cranky lady when I go to crowded stores.  One day, I felt the urge to barrel my cart down the aisle regardless of who was in the way.  Fortunately, I decided against that.  Anyway, yesterday Austin went with David for a Christmas Eve party and it allowed me some much needed time without him.  I hung out at mom and dad's house for a bit and just relaxed.  Today, Austin opened presents at home.  Then we went to mom and dad's house and then to Aunt Kathy and Uncle Dennis' house to see their new addition.  Below are some pictures from the season.

Austin and Grandma Bev making peanut butter fudge! Yum!

Tasting the fudge when finished.

This year we got a real tree from a tree farm.  Dad cut it down for us and set it up at the house for me.  After I got the lights on it, the cats took up residence underneath.  Blu had a little trouble staying out of it and became familiar with the squirt bottle.

Tree with lights - fully decorated.

Our stockings - Monica, Lilly, Blu, and Austin.

Austin loves Minecraft still and his minecraft skin is a pig dressed as superman.  I found a stuffed minecraft pig by chance at Walgreens.  I never thought I would see him so happy about another stuffed animal.  just like his care bears when he was a toddler :)

Austin opening presents

Austin trying out his new cooling memory foam pillow.  He also got a chillow (as seen on t.v.) as a back up.
Opening the stockings

Lilly found herself a fort in the wrapping paper.  And...she got caught up in the rainbow loom craze.

Christmas day at mom and dad's house.

Austin and Paige opening presents

Miss Brinley thought that people were given the wrong gifts and exchanged everyone's gifts with one another.  She really thought I should have her rubber ducky.  Maybe she knows how much I like hot baths ;)

My sweet Cadence...Doesn't she look like a Disney princess in this picture.  I think she does.

Finally, the upstairs party room in Kathy and Dennis' addition.  It was absolutely beautiful.  When we drove up, I didn't even recognize the house.  It looks so different.

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