Monday, December 30, 2013

Year in Review 2013

We are a boring people, but this year, we had some exciting changes.  The two most notable were Austin going into middle school and I got a new job in October where I feel much safer.  Overall, 2013 was a pretty good year.

Preparing for 2014 has been very stressful.  Mom has some medical issues again and is in need of at least two surgeries.  I am being taken back to court again on Jan. 7 because David is trying to reduce his child support again.  I have a lot of dental issues and poor insurance.  It is trying already so please keep my family and I in your prayers.

I have two resolutions for 2014.  1) to be a more Christ centered person and 2) to get healthy.  Both seem like massive undertakings, but I just HAVE to do both.  My spiritual and physical life depends on them.

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