Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentine's through a child's eyes

Austin's Valentine's Day party at school is tomorrow. So, this evening we sat down to write out his Valentines. I did not realize this would be such a difficult project. First, we had to sort all of the cards and decide who would get what based on how much he liked them and if it was a boy or a girl. Then he addressed them, putting hearts on the four girls that he liked best. Three hearts for Jennifer, two for Elke and one for Alaina and Alyssa. (I was actually very impressed how good his hearts looked). Anyway, we bought a variety of candy to put on each. We had Kitkats and M&Ms which tie for his favorite. Twix is a middle ground and Snickers which he does not care for at all. It was quickly decided that Henry and Latham should get the Snickers because they are so mean. The others were handed out accordingly, with the red Twix not being quite as good as the gold Twix because gold is his favorite color. Then we came to Jennifer where he could not decide which to give her -the Kitkat or the M&Ms. finally he decided on both and said, "Now she'll know how much I really like her". It was soo sweet.

1 comment:

Krista P said...

That little man is so cute. Wonder what kind of candy he'd give me?