Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Winter Break
I have officially been on winter break for two days. In those two days I have gotten absolutely nothing accomplished (as it should be). Tomorrow, however, I will begin my work around my house that gets neglected throughout the year. Austin is with his dad this week so I should be able to get a lot done. He will be coming over one day to make a gingerbread house for the party on Christmas Eve.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Reflections on my 2009 post to my blog entitled 32 Goals for my 32nd year:
Mainly, I did not meet hardly any of my goals. But 32 is far too many. I am going to concentrate on celebrating the accomplishments that I did complete or partially met.
#10 I did get my custody arrangement settled
#13 I did go out more socially (which considering it still isn't much, is kind of sad)
#18 I have made more of an effort to show kindness to strangers in small ways
#21 I do now play with Austin a little bit every day that I have him
#23 Since starting my new job, I have made some new friends
#31 As my facial redness has gotten worse, I do now wear makeup everyday to work, no exceptions!
This year, I have decided to concentrate on two and am in the process of deriving a plan on how to make them successful. 1. Lose weight and more importantly 2. find a way to be content with my life.
Mainly, I did not meet hardly any of my goals. But 32 is far too many. I am going to concentrate on celebrating the accomplishments that I did complete or partially met.
#10 I did get my custody arrangement settled
#13 I did go out more socially (which considering it still isn't much, is kind of sad)
#18 I have made more of an effort to show kindness to strangers in small ways
#21 I do now play with Austin a little bit every day that I have him
#23 Since starting my new job, I have made some new friends
#31 As my facial redness has gotten worse, I do now wear makeup everyday to work, no exceptions!
This year, I have decided to concentrate on two and am in the process of deriving a plan on how to make them successful. 1. Lose weight and more importantly 2. find a way to be content with my life.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
new teacher induction
So I had day one of my new teacher induction at St. Louis. I walked into the room on the third floor and immediately felt very hot. Since I'm always warm I thought maybe I'm just having a hot flash or something ;) then as I sat down for a moment longer I thought "no, this is really uncomfortably hot". I looked around the room to see many others fanning themselves. At the start of the meeting they informed us that the air conditioning was broken. I sure hope it is fixed by tomorrow because I'm not sure I can sit through another 6 hours in miserable heat and listen to things that don't apply to me anyway. I'm not much of a trooper. It just amazes me that I am supposed to start on Monday and I don't know where to go, I have no assignment yet, I have no supplies and no email. Nice start huh? Welcome to St. Louis Public.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Pretty Little Liars
I began watching "pretty Little Liars" on television and was intrigued enough to buy the books. While I enjoy the show, I love the books. They are so much better. At the end of each book the author did an excellent job of making the reader wonder what will happen next. The story is outlandish but great. I guess I should have expected liking a teeny bopper book series because I so enjoy most teeny bopper shows.
Friday, July 16, 2010
My poor little Cady was not feeling well yesterday and had to leave daycare early. She still was not better this morning so I watched her so Krista and Jason wouldn't have to miss work. Cady is always calm and is never any trouble. Today she was even more subdued than usual. However, she was still her witty self. She always makes me laugh at the things that come out of that cute little mouth. One conversation follows:
M: would you like something for lunch
C: yes
M: what do you want?
C: I don't know
M: Would you like a cheese sandwich
C: no, I would like bread-cheese-bread
M: that is a cheese sandwich
C: no, its not (matter of factly)
M: yes it is
C: no (takes the SANDWICH and walks away)
Not only did I lose an argument with a 4 year old today, she looked at me like I was stupid. I have heard Paige tell mom that she wanted bread-cheese-bread but I had no idea that that is what they thought the name really was. What sweet girls.
M: would you like something for lunch
C: yes
M: what do you want?
C: I don't know
M: Would you like a cheese sandwich
C: no, I would like bread-cheese-bread
M: that is a cheese sandwich
C: no, its not (matter of factly)
M: yes it is
C: no (takes the SANDWICH and walks away)
Not only did I lose an argument with a 4 year old today, she looked at me like I was stupid. I have heard Paige tell mom that she wanted bread-cheese-bread but I had no idea that that is what they thought the name really was. What sweet girls.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Bionicle and Elton John
Little White Dog
I was driving through my parents neighborhood a few weeks ago and saw my good old buddy (eyes rolling) - the little white dog that lives at the beginning of the subdivision. This little white dog must be about 15 years old (at least). I have ever so fond memories of running late for something and seeing this dog. The dog is about as stupid as they come. It would walk down the middle of the street. If a vehicle approached it would continue to stand in the middle of the road and bark at the car. He was content to make his home on the street (literally). It truly amazes me how this dog was never hit or taken away by animal control. I hadnt seen him in quite some time, but he has been back out now a few times in recent weeks. He's looking pretty old but still walking down the middle of the street. I'm sure all those who have lived in that subdivision in the last fifteen years know what I am talking about.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Summer Break
I truly enjoy my summer breaks and am glad that I entered the profession that I did, but some days I feel busier at home than at work. I let my house get so out of control during the year that it takes me a long time to fix it and then with all of the appointments that need to be scheduled. Today I sit looking at my disaster of a bedroom not knowing where exactly to start. Oh well, better find somewhere to start.
Monday, June 14, 2010
a friend from the past
Today I got together with an old friend from high school and met her two wonderful daughters. It was so nice seeing her and just spending time with an adult. Austin played with her 3 year almost 4 year old daughter which seemed to be a good match. They ran and jumped on the trampoline and she bossed him around and he had a blast. Kids are so fun to watch as they play.
Friday, June 11, 2010
While I know I am forgetful, there are some people that I wonder how they manage to get through life. Last night Austin had a baseball game. I was about five minutes late and saw my mom sitting in the bleachers already. She said, "Austin's not here". Mom, dad or I did not have our phones so a very nice gentleman from the other team offered to let me use his (the kindness of strangers!) I called David and after a somewhat difficult to understand conversation realized that he thought the game started at 7:30 instead of 6. When he got to the game at 7 David came over and yelled at me while poking me with his finger (Talk about embarrassing - not only for me but pretty soon Austin is going to be old enough to see this too). When I got home and checked my phone, I had 10 missed calls from him and three messages saying, "my schedule right in front of me says, June 3 @7:30". I felt like saying, "yes, genius, but today is June 10. Get a clue."
I love my mom because...
Every year students at Trinity have to write a very short essay on why they love their mothers for mothers day. Austin really wanted to win and thought his was really good, but couldn't remember what he had written exactly so I wasn't sure. While cleaning out his backpack last week, I found the wadded up paper. The writing prompt was "I love my mom becuase..."
Austin's response - My mom is the cutest mom ever. She is the best mom in the unaverse. My mom is the cutest because she is tall and blond and has has has glasses.
Only in Austin's world would I be considered tall. But it made me smile.
Austin's response - My mom is the cutest mom ever. She is the best mom in the unaverse. My mom is the cutest because she is tall and blond and has has has glasses.
Only in Austin's world would I be considered tall. But it made me smile.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Sad day
I had a sad evening. I have a lot on my mind. And, Austin is being bullied. It is hard to watch as a parent and I'm not sure what to do.
Monday, May 17, 2010
The Irresponsibility of Some
Today I walked up the stairs to David's apartment after work to pick up Austin. Austin opened the door without asking who was there. His dad was sleeping in the chair. He shook David's leg several times and said "my mom's here". David startled and asked "she's here?". Austin says, "yes, my mom's here." David looks right at me and asks, "is she here?". When I didn't respond he asked it again. I said "is who here" (being ignorant). So he falls back asleep. Austin had to go to the bathroom so as I am waiting I notice the smell of something burning. The oven light is on (I didn't see if a timer was set). Anyway Austin comes out and says "I'm leaving dad" and he says ok. I told him about the stove but he just fell back asleep. This was at 4:30. At 6:15 he knocks on the door at my house and said he had been trying to call. I bet he didn't know where Austin was. How IRRESPONSIBLE. He and Patty were sleeping. Anything could have happened with Austin. He could have just walked out. I am a little p.o.'d right now.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
My shoes
My most comfortable pair of black shoes have been missing now for about a week. I was laying down this evening, reading a magazine, when Austin comes in with the shoes. He looks at me for a moment silently, then hands me the shoes. After another moment of silence...
Austin: Mom, I found your shoes in my shoe box
Me: What were they doing in your shoebox
Austin: I put them there
Me: Why
Austin: because you took my dollar last week and I was mad at you
Mind you that I took his dollar last week because he threw it at me when he was mad and it was returned to him two days later. My shoes have been held captive for about a week. Still it was hard not to laugh out loud. Only Austin would do something like this.
Austin: Mom, I found your shoes in my shoe box
Me: What were they doing in your shoebox
Austin: I put them there
Me: Why
Austin: because you took my dollar last week and I was mad at you
Mind you that I took his dollar last week because he threw it at me when he was mad and it was returned to him two days later. My shoes have been held captive for about a week. Still it was hard not to laugh out loud. Only Austin would do something like this.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Austin's principal
Austin's principal died this afternoon. She had been diagnosed with a brain tumor in the fall and seemed to deteriorate quickly. While I tried to keep Austin realistic in that she might not get better, he seemed to hold on to hope that she would. Today, I went over to David's to tell Austin so he would not hear it at baseball practice tomorrow from one of his teammates. I found it awful to find the right words. He didn't cry or want to talk about it, but he hugged me for about two minutes straight. Bless his heart, I didn't want to leave him, but unfortunately I had to. Mrs. Nelson's birthday was Nov. 2 also and every year she would make a special trip to see him in class because it was her birthday too. She will be missed.
Friday, April 23, 2010
The Itch
Some of you have already heard this story, but I will say it again for those who don't know. I had a horrible morning at work when out of the blue my mother texts me, asking if I would like to go get a pedicure that evening. I responded immediately that I would love to go. It was the first time I had gone to an Asian place and I won't go back to this particular establishment. The treatment was a little rough. I have an infection where she cut me. While massaging my legs she was punching me (It looked like this tiny person trying to beat up a giant). It took everything in me not to laugh because the experience was so bizarre. After that, it was fairly relaxing. However, on the ride home from the store, my arms began to itch pretty bad. By the end of the night I was covered in hives and have never itched so bad in my whole life. I took benadryl and went to bed. Austin was a good sport and put some topical ointment on the areas of my back that I could not reach. For the past two days I have been battling outbreaks with these yucky hives and I wish they would just go away. Last night, they were all over my face and neck too. That was a mess. I looked diseased. Anyway, the itching is much less severe today. I don't know what product they used, but I will think carefully before going back.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Not much
Greatest Aunt Barbara is leaving tomorrow, but our last day with her this trip was today. We wish them a safe trip home. While she was knitting yesterday, Austin asked her several times if she would show him how to knit. He'll make some woman proud someday (maybe).
Today non-tenured teachers in Riverview were given notice that they would be let go again this year and may not be called back. One of them has become a friend of mine and seems to be a great teacher. She was also told today that she won "teacher of the year". I guess she has some good news in with her bad. Hopefully, they will call her back as she has a 6 month old baby at home. Good luck, Mrs. Hayes.
In weight loss news - I am not losing (suprise, suprise)
Today non-tenured teachers in Riverview were given notice that they would be let go again this year and may not be called back. One of them has become a friend of mine and seems to be a great teacher. She was also told today that she won "teacher of the year". I guess she has some good news in with her bad. Hopefully, they will call her back as she has a 6 month old baby at home. Good luck, Mrs. Hayes.
In weight loss news - I am not losing (suprise, suprise)
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Today was Easter and it was so nice to see some of my family that I dont get to see often. The morning was a bit hectic but all went smoothly after people started visiting. The Easter egg hunt was really cute this year since all of the Ahrens grandkids are old enough to participate. Except that Austin decided he did not want to participate this year. He had a bit of a crabby day (probably because he was up before 5 this morning). Although she was unable to make it for Easter, Austin's greatest aunt Barbara is coming to visit from New York this week and we are all very excited. She rarely makes it down to these parts and we almost never make it there ;) We can't wait.
Yesterday Krista and I went shopping at kohls and old navy. Of course Austin had to tag along and was very good for the most part. Anyway, Krista was in search of some white sunglasses to match her new white car so she tried on a pair (it's difficult to explain what they looked like), Austin looked at her and said "you look just like Daphne from Scooby Doo". Krista took off the glasses and decided on another pair.
On yet another note, I have a cute Paige story. Krista may be mad at me for sharing but it was just too cute for words. This will only make sense if you have seen the movie "Up". Paige was in the middle of a sentence, looked out the window, saw a squirrel and shouted "squirrel" totally forgetting what she was previously talking about. I love her so much, she is just so dang sweet.
Well I'm off to bed to hopefully have sweet dreams.
Yesterday Krista and I went shopping at kohls and old navy. Of course Austin had to tag along and was very good for the most part. Anyway, Krista was in search of some white sunglasses to match her new white car so she tried on a pair (it's difficult to explain what they looked like), Austin looked at her and said "you look just like Daphne from Scooby Doo". Krista took off the glasses and decided on another pair.
On yet another note, I have a cute Paige story. Krista may be mad at me for sharing but it was just too cute for words. This will only make sense if you have seen the movie "Up". Paige was in the middle of a sentence, looked out the window, saw a squirrel and shouted "squirrel" totally forgetting what she was previously talking about. I love her so much, she is just so dang sweet.
Well I'm off to bed to hopefully have sweet dreams.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Austin has been testing people lately. He has developed somewhat of an attitude and speaks to people as if they are stupid or otherwise impeding on his precious time. So, because of this, I was looking forward to some quiet time while he is with David this week. However, here it is Wednesday, and I MISS my boy. It's actually pretty lonely and while Hannah Montana and China are not interesting topics of conversation for me (as they are for Austin) I even miss hearing him talk about those things. Two more days.
I was thinking about Austin earlier today and it popped into my head all of the things he has wanted to be when he grows up (since he turned 8). His list follows: Scientist, Meteorologist, police officer, a worker at McDonalds, a magician, and a store owner.
I was thinking about Austin earlier today and it popped into my head all of the things he has wanted to be when he grows up (since he turned 8). His list follows: Scientist, Meteorologist, police officer, a worker at McDonalds, a magician, and a store owner.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
My mom and new my new doctor
My mom had surgery two days ago to repair a hernia. More details can be found on my sister's blog. The day of the surgery she seemed to be in a lot of pain and was sleeping during most of my visit. Last night she was released to go home. Today, she seemed quite mobile and feeling better. I'm sure she is sore even with the pain meds but she is handling it like a trooper. She can't drive until she is off the meds so she gets a chauffer for a while.
Today I had my annual women's doctor appointment with a new doctor. She came highly recommended, but she and her staff were all really unfriendly and did not ask some important questions (in my opinion). I guess I will be on the search again next year.
Today I had my annual women's doctor appointment with a new doctor. She came highly recommended, but she and her staff were all really unfriendly and did not ask some important questions (in my opinion). I guess I will be on the search again next year.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
the regionals
Due to the misfortune of one other boy, Austin will now get to race his derby car at the regionals. He is very excited. It really is too bad for the other kid. Unfortunately this event is on my weekend. I think I may try to trade David so I don't have to go. Waiting an hour for your son to have a two second turn and then waiting another hour before his next turn, is a bit like watching paint dry ;(
Friday, February 26, 2010
Boy Scouts Pack meeting 1
last night Austin had his first Boy Scout pack meeting. The meeting entailed getting his first badge and it was also their pinewood derby. The car was not well cut (thanks, David) and I am not very artistic, but, nevertheless Austin had fun decorating it.
Austin putting on the first coat of paint. It didn't turn out to be exactly aqua, but I think it worked.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Mom's shirt
I wore one of my mother's shirts to work yesterday. I had worn it before but never got any compliments. Yesterday at least five people must have come up to me to compliment it. One lady said it looked like a painting that people would pay $1 million for. One little girl said I looked very beautiful. And of course there always has to be a nay-sayer. The little boy I was testing thought I had blood on my shirt because there were blotches of red.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Valentine's through a child's eyes
Austin's Valentine's Day party at school is tomorrow. So, this evening we sat down to write out his Valentines. I did not realize this would be such a difficult project. First, we had to sort all of the cards and decide who would get what based on how much he liked them and if it was a boy or a girl. Then he addressed them, putting hearts on the four girls that he liked best. Three hearts for Jennifer, two for Elke and one for Alaina and Alyssa. (I was actually very impressed how good his hearts looked). Anyway, we bought a variety of candy to put on each. We had Kitkats and M&Ms which tie for his favorite. Twix is a middle ground and Snickers which he does not care for at all. It was quickly decided that Henry and Latham should get the Snickers because they are so mean. The others were handed out accordingly, with the red Twix not being quite as good as the gold Twix because gold is his favorite color. Then we came to Jennifer where he could not decide which to give her -the Kitkat or the M&Ms. finally he decided on both and said, "Now she'll know how much I really like her". It was soo sweet.
Friday, February 5, 2010
The Bug
We were infected this week, not by the flu bug but by strep. I was just saying last week how I hated to get strep because it makes me so miserable. I am finally feeling a bit better, actually much better than I was. That happened pretty quickly once the fever left. My poor boy has it too. Actually he was the one who probably gave it to me. Anyway, I remember having a lot to make up in school when out due to illness, but Austin has to make up a science test, a spelling test, a memory verse, and his valentine's progect with all of the work he already has to complete for next week which includes two more tests and a math folder. Goodness gracious! I don't remember second grade being this much work. Whew!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The Outbreak
Trinity's second graders have had a recent outbreak of strep throat. At least 9 of the kids in the class have had it over the last few weeks. I am amazed that Austin hasn't contracted it yet. He has been sick with congestion but luckily has stayed away from the strep. Today David called and said Austin had to leave basketball practice because he felt sick. I hope he is not getting strep.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
All about Austin
I know, I know, almost all of my posts are about Austin. He's just so dang cute. Tonight we had the following conversation:
A: Hey mom
M: yes?
A: I have a joke that's funny
A: Why did the children cross the playground?
M: To play on the swingset
A: No! To get to the slide
M: oohh that's funny (sarcastic)
wait a few moments
A: You see, it's funny because you think I'm going to say side, but it's "slide"another pause"that's why it's funny"
A: Do you understand the joke
M: Yes Austin I do
A: I have another joke...
While I love my boy his joke telling abilities could use some improvement. They are better than they use to be. Earlier in second grade he came home with homework that had a joke. "Where does Santa swim?" The answer "in the North Pool". Austin goes to repeat the joke to dad and says, "Hey Papa! Where does Santa the North Pool, hahahaha"
Anyway, last night my dad took Austin to the lady Cougars basketball game since Austin loves to go so much. He got two Cougar towels, caught the attention of the camera man and was on the big screen many times throughout the evening and got chosen to play the half time game in which he won two gift cards (even though he didn't get any baskets.) What a good night for him.
This morning he finally agreed to swallow his pill whole instead of having to open the capsule. He got it down on the first try without so much as a cough. What a trooper.
Also, we went to the Collinsville homeshow because I thought Austin would enjoy it. It was much smaller than the St. Louis one last year so he didn't have as much fun, but he did sit down to the demonstrations. at one of the cooking demonstrations, he went right up to the front row and sat down even after the show had started. He was slightly reluctant to leave, but I did manage to get him up. The audience seemed to enjoy his curiosity. At this one, he only asked for a steam cleaner for the floor. I told him that we would consider buying one at the St. Louis show, but I think I will just borrow mom's instead (wink)
A: Hey mom
M: yes?
A: I have a joke that's funny
A: Why did the children cross the playground?
M: To play on the swingset
A: No! To get to the slide
M: oohh that's funny (sarcastic)
wait a few moments
A: You see, it's funny because you think I'm going to say side, but it's "slide"another pause"that's why it's funny"
A: Do you understand the joke
M: Yes Austin I do
A: I have another joke...
While I love my boy his joke telling abilities could use some improvement. They are better than they use to be. Earlier in second grade he came home with homework that had a joke. "Where does Santa swim?" The answer "in the North Pool". Austin goes to repeat the joke to dad and says, "Hey Papa! Where does Santa the North Pool, hahahaha"
Anyway, last night my dad took Austin to the lady Cougars basketball game since Austin loves to go so much. He got two Cougar towels, caught the attention of the camera man and was on the big screen many times throughout the evening and got chosen to play the half time game in which he won two gift cards (even though he didn't get any baskets.) What a good night for him.
This morning he finally agreed to swallow his pill whole instead of having to open the capsule. He got it down on the first try without so much as a cough. What a trooper.
Also, we went to the Collinsville homeshow because I thought Austin would enjoy it. It was much smaller than the St. Louis one last year so he didn't have as much fun, but he did sit down to the demonstrations. at one of the cooking demonstrations, he went right up to the front row and sat down even after the show had started. He was slightly reluctant to leave, but I did manage to get him up. The audience seemed to enjoy his curiosity. At this one, he only asked for a steam cleaner for the floor. I told him that we would consider buying one at the St. Louis show, but I think I will just borrow mom's instead (wink)
Friday, January 8, 2010
Snow Day
On the first week of returning to school from winter break, I am now on my second snow day in a row (yeah!) Today I am just going to relax. I have been clearning for about a week and a half because my house is being appraised today. Hopefully, I will get what I need to refinance. For those of you who don't know, on one of those cleaning days, my mom dropped a metal bar (to a storage shelf) on my foot. Because it was swelling, painful and bruised I eventually went to the urgent care center. They x-rayed it and found no fractures, just a contusion (bruise). It was way better, but after returning to work and walking on it more, it has started swelling pretty bad again and it burns again. Its a bit bruised still, but that is going away. Besides dropping the beam on my foot, I really appreciate all of the help my mom gave me. I would never have finished without her help.
I know I have talked to some people about this already, but I remember when the snow seemed to be way higher when I was little (or maybe it just looked higher because I was shorter). Anyway, I saw a little blurb on the news website that St. Louis did, in fact, have almost double the snowfall in the 70s and each decade has since produced significantly less. The most snow on record since 1970 fell in 1977 (the year I was born) and 1978 (the year Krista was born). Just some uselfess info for all of you.
Also, Austin got a new DSi because his old DS stopped working. He had $79 from Christmas that he used and I supplied the rest. (What a good mom I am to get that from him right after Christmas).
I know I have talked to some people about this already, but I remember when the snow seemed to be way higher when I was little (or maybe it just looked higher because I was shorter). Anyway, I saw a little blurb on the news website that St. Louis did, in fact, have almost double the snowfall in the 70s and each decade has since produced significantly less. The most snow on record since 1970 fell in 1977 (the year I was born) and 1978 (the year Krista was born). Just some uselfess info for all of you.
Also, Austin got a new DSi because his old DS stopped working. He had $79 from Christmas that he used and I supplied the rest. (What a good mom I am to get that from him right after Christmas).
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