Monday, June 14, 2010

a friend from the past

Today I got together with an old friend from high school and met her two wonderful daughters. It was so nice seeing her and just spending time with an adult. Austin played with her 3 year almost 4 year old daughter which seemed to be a good match. They ran and jumped on the trampoline and she bossed him around and he had a blast. Kids are so fun to watch as they play.

Friday, June 11, 2010


While I know I am forgetful, there are some people that I wonder how they manage to get through life. Last night Austin had a baseball game. I was about five minutes late and saw my mom sitting in the bleachers already. She said, "Austin's not here". Mom, dad or I did not have our phones so a very nice gentleman from the other team offered to let me use his (the kindness of strangers!) I called David and after a somewhat difficult to understand conversation realized that he thought the game started at 7:30 instead of 6. When he got to the game at 7 David came over and yelled at me while poking me with his finger (Talk about embarrassing - not only for me but pretty soon Austin is going to be old enough to see this too). When I got home and checked my phone, I had 10 missed calls from him and three messages saying, "my schedule right in front of me says, June 3 @7:30". I felt like saying, "yes, genius, but today is June 10. Get a clue."

I love my mom because...

Every year students at Trinity have to write a very short essay on why they love their mothers for mothers day. Austin really wanted to win and thought his was really good, but couldn't remember what he had written exactly so I wasn't sure. While cleaning out his backpack last week, I found the wadded up paper. The writing prompt was "I love my mom becuase..."

Austin's response - My mom is the cutest mom ever. She is the best mom in the unaverse. My mom is the cutest because she is tall and blond and has has has glasses.

Only in Austin's world would I be considered tall. But it made me smile.