Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I'm sad today. Feeling loveless and unappreciated.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Winter Break

I have officially been on winter break for two days. In those two days I have gotten absolutely nothing accomplished (as it should be). Tomorrow, however, I will begin my work around my house that gets neglected throughout the year. Austin is with his dad this week so I should be able to get a lot done. He will be coming over one day to make a gingerbread house for the party on Christmas Eve.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmases Past

just thinking of some Christmases past

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Reflections on my 2009 post to my blog entitled 32 Goals for my 32nd year:

Mainly, I did not meet hardly any of my goals. But 32 is far too many. I am going to concentrate on celebrating the accomplishments that I did complete or partially met.

#10 I did get my custody arrangement settled
#13 I did go out more socially (which considering it still isn't much, is kind of sad)
#18 I have made more of an effort to show kindness to strangers in small ways
#21 I do now play with Austin a little bit every day that I have him
#23 Since starting my new job, I have made some new friends
#31 As my facial redness has gotten worse, I do now wear makeup everyday to work, no exceptions!

This year, I have decided to concentrate on two and am in the process of deriving a plan on how to make them successful. 1. Lose weight and more importantly 2. find a way to be content with my life.