Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pretty Little Liars

I began watching "pretty Little Liars" on television and was intrigued enough to buy the books. While I enjoy the show, I love the books. They are so much better. At the end of each book the author did an excellent job of making the reader wonder what will happen next. The story is outlandish but great. I guess I should have expected liking a teeny bopper book series because I so enjoy most teeny bopper shows.

Friday, July 16, 2010


My poor little Cady was not feeling well yesterday and had to leave daycare early. She still was not better this morning so I watched her so Krista and Jason wouldn't have to miss work. Cady is always calm and is never any trouble. Today she was even more subdued than usual. However, she was still her witty self. She always makes me laugh at the things that come out of that cute little mouth. One conversation follows:

M: would you like something for lunch
C: yes
M: what do you want?
C: I don't know
M: Would you like a cheese sandwich
C: no, I would like bread-cheese-bread
M: that is a cheese sandwich
C: no, its not (matter of factly)
M: yes it is
C: no (takes the SANDWICH and walks away)

Not only did I lose an argument with a 4 year old today, she looked at me like I was stupid. I have heard Paige tell mom that she wanted bread-cheese-bread but I had no idea that that is what they thought the name really was. What sweet girls.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Bionicle and Elton John

Austin came into the kitchen one morning before school dressed like this. I couldn't help but smile. He can be a bit sensitive so I mustered all the strength inside of me not to laugh. Doesn't he look like Elton John?

This was the first Bionicle (sp?) that Austin and I put together. He was so proud so I thought I would post it on the site.

Little White Dog

I was driving through my parents neighborhood a few weeks ago and saw my good old buddy (eyes rolling) - the little white dog that lives at the beginning of the subdivision. This little white dog must be about 15 years old (at least). I have ever so fond memories of running late for something and seeing this dog. The dog is about as stupid as they come. It would walk down the middle of the street. If a vehicle approached it would continue to stand in the middle of the road and bark at the car. He was content to make his home on the street (literally). It truly amazes me how this dog was never hit or taken away by animal control. I hadnt seen him in quite some time, but he has been back out now a few times in recent weeks. He's looking pretty old but still walking down the middle of the street. I'm sure all those who have lived in that subdivision in the last fifteen years know what I am talking about.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer Break

I truly enjoy my summer breaks and am glad that I entered the profession that I did, but some days I feel busier at home than at work. I let my house get so out of control during the year that it takes me a long time to fix it and then with all of the appointments that need to be scheduled. Today I sit looking at my disaster of a bedroom not knowing where exactly to start. Oh well, better find somewhere to start.