Friday, July 16, 2010


My poor little Cady was not feeling well yesterday and had to leave daycare early. She still was not better this morning so I watched her so Krista and Jason wouldn't have to miss work. Cady is always calm and is never any trouble. Today she was even more subdued than usual. However, she was still her witty self. She always makes me laugh at the things that come out of that cute little mouth. One conversation follows:

M: would you like something for lunch
C: yes
M: what do you want?
C: I don't know
M: Would you like a cheese sandwich
C: no, I would like bread-cheese-bread
M: that is a cheese sandwich
C: no, its not (matter of factly)
M: yes it is
C: no (takes the SANDWICH and walks away)

Not only did I lose an argument with a 4 year old today, she looked at me like I was stupid. I have heard Paige tell mom that she wanted bread-cheese-bread but I had no idea that that is what they thought the name really was. What sweet girls.

1 comment:

Krista P said...

I've been slacking with my blog stalking! I adore that little girl, but should I/ I mean, I lose arguements to her like this DAILY.

Oh...and don't get me started on "cheesy noddles." It's not mac & cheese.