Sunday, April 15, 2012

Medical and Movies

I have recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and my blood sugars are in the prediabetic range (barely, but there). My blood pressure has not been easily controlled, but my doctor is hopeful that we may finally be on the right track with the new medications. I am hoping that I will start feeling better when all of these things are under better control.

On a different note, Austin and I went to see "The Hunger Games"today because all of his friends had already seen it. I was kind of dreading going (but the only other alternative was the Three Stooges). I was very surprised by how much I enjoyed it. It was really good and didn't feel like 2 1/2 hours at all. I did cry twice, but everyone knows I am an emotional mess. I would recommend seeing it.

I am also going to be an auntie again any day now. Good luck Krista and hopefully she will come soon.

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