Monday, June 22, 2009


I volunteered for Vacation Bible School this week at Trinity. Many of the station leaders commented on how rowdy the kids were in my group. In my defense, I did have quite a few trouble makers. Anyway, because of low attendance, my group will be split up tomorrow to join other groups. Maybe I won't have to go anymore ;) kidding. It was actually kind of fun. Austin was in a different group (which I requested) with his best friend. I was really glad because normally he gets clingy when he's not with his friends. His second grade teacher also informed him and introduced him to a new student that will be in the class next year. When I saw the teacher talking to him, I thought he was in trouble so I was glad to hear that she was just trying to help the new kid make friends.

1 comment:

Krista P said...

You're very brave for taking on all those kids.