Monday, May 17, 2010

The Irresponsibility of Some

Today I walked up the stairs to David's apartment after work to pick up Austin. Austin opened the door without asking who was there. His dad was sleeping in the chair. He shook David's leg several times and said "my mom's here". David startled and asked "she's here?". Austin says, "yes, my mom's here." David looks right at me and asks, "is she here?". When I didn't respond he asked it again. I said "is who here" (being ignorant). So he falls back asleep. Austin had to go to the bathroom so as I am waiting I notice the smell of something burning. The oven light is on (I didn't see if a timer was set). Anyway Austin comes out and says "I'm leaving dad" and he says ok. I told him about the stove but he just fell back asleep. This was at 4:30. At 6:15 he knocks on the door at my house and said he had been trying to call. I bet he didn't know where Austin was. How IRRESPONSIBLE. He and Patty were sleeping. Anything could have happened with Austin. He could have just walked out. I am a little p.o.'d right now.

1 comment:

Krista P said...

I wouldn't have bothered to wake him up at all to let Austin say good bye. Tough love.

It scares me more each day that he's watching Austin unsupervised. Unbelievable.