Thursday, July 26, 2012

To Argue With a Child...

As any parent or daycare provider would tell you, it is more than pointless to argue with a child.  I learned this many years ago, and yet as my child enters his preteen years and becomes increasinly snarky, I feel the need to try to let him know that he does not know everything and is ocassionally wrong.  Today, I experienced possibly our dumbest argument to date.  Austin did not seem to "get" the concept of buy one get one free.  A simple concept yes, but apparently lost on him.  Anyway, after approximately 10 minutes of this silly argument, we came to the consensus that it should be stated "buy one get ANOTHER one free".  I don't think I really won this argument or proved that he was indeed wrong ;) (I would fill everyone in on the details but that would just take to long!) Perhaps tomorrow I will remember the happenings of today and will not engage him when he says something that is clearly wrong.

1 comment:

Krista P said...

I feel the same way a lot. I'd love to see Paige and Austin argue sometime.