Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Another Misc. Blog

I am now officially another year older and wise ;) something I learned this week - they have black santa blow up yard decorations. I saw one in Riverview (interesting).

I saw yet another person not turn off their car when they get out to get gas. Are these people just stupid or what?

My baby learned to tie his shoes today. In second grade, it's about time.

It has been sooooo very windy today and I wish I could take credit for the next quote, but even if I didn't say it, it is too cute not to post "I'm glad to be the little piggy whose house is built from brick because the big bad wolf is trying his hardest today!"

Lastly, mom and I went to see 3D A christmas carol. It was actually creepy. I hope I don't have nightmares ;)

Good night moon.

1 comment:

Krista P said...

That wind kept me up all night.

So, are there Santas of Asian and Hispanic descent too? It seems a bit discriminatory not to have them. lol.