Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Christmas Gift

A while back on a day when we had Chinese food, Austin came up to me and asked if he could have the fortune part of the fortune cookie. I asked why he wanted it and he told me very matter of factly that he collected them. Just another of Austin's small oddities but that's why I love him. Anyway, I shared this story with a couple of my colleagues. One of them gave me a Christmas present for Austin yesterday. I was so very curious about what it could be that I let him open it early. It was a whole clothes box full of fortune cookies. Austin was SOOO excited. He said "we have got to call him and tell him thank you". He likes the cookies but he just loves reading the fortunes.

1 comment:

Krista P said...

Ok, see, I thought he was collecting the cookies. I thought "gross." He collects the fortunes. How cute.