Saturday, February 1, 2014


I got to the ISPA convention on Thursday morning without much trouble.  I only got lost once (GPSs are great, sometimes).  I went into the hotel and there were blowers everywhere.  Initially, I assumed that there had been some sort of flooding.  Anyway, my workshops were great, except that I seemed to have the long winded speakers so when it was break time and lunch time the lines for the food and restrooms were huge and it took forever.  But I did learn a lot.  I met up with a couple of my friends from grad school, and met a few new people.  I didn't stay at the hotel where the conference was held because it was a little bit high, so I stayed at the hotel across the street.  I had stayed there before and it was so-so.  I did not remember that they did not have irons and that the garage is so scary.  But other than that it was fine.  On day two, I learned that the blowers were due to the fact that there was a fire in the hotel on Wednesday night.  I went up to a friend's hotel room where they instructed me to look out the window because it felt funny.  As I approached the window, it was true.  I felt dizzy and had to hold onto the wall because I felt like I could just fall through the glass.  It was weird.  The windows must have been on an odd angle or something.  Overall, it was fun.

There was snow/sleet/freezing rain on the way home, but the roads weren't bad.  But, as I turned into the driveway my car slid a little bit.  I pulled into the carport and got out.  As I stepped back out of the carport to get my bag out of the car, I slipped on the ice and fell.  I hurt my knees and initially I couldn't move.  I was trying not to cry, and Austin was there flipping out, wanting to call 9-1-1.  I was finally able to calm him down, and army crawl back to the carport so I could lift myself up.  I just kept slipping in the driveway.  I don't have any scratches, but my knees are still pretty swollen and hurt.  My muscles in my legs, arms and back feel stressed too today.  I am really thankful that I wasn't hurt more.  It was a hard fall and with my weight, it could have been bad.  But I'm fine or I will be in a few days.  For now, I will continue to take my ibuprophen.

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