Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Late night phone call

Last week I got a phone call at 12:30 in the morning. I got up to see who it was from and noticed it came from my mother's house. I quickly became concerned as they are normally in bed very early. I called back and got a busy signal. I tried calling for about a half hour and then became very worried, thinking one of them had a heart attack or passed out while on the phone. So, I get Austin up and try to dress him. I swear nothing wakes him up. I had to carry him out to the car and drive over to mom and dad's house. There are no lights on inside which actually eases my mind because if either of them had been up, there would have been at least one light on inside. Anyway the bottom lock was locked so I would have had to ring the doorbell. I decided against it and went home. The next day mom told me she had called to try to find the cell phone (because I couldn't find it the night before and thought I had left it at their house). Anyway, she must have accidentally left the phone off the hook. Also, Austin argued that he was never over at their house the night before. He is such a sound sleeper. Good news at the end, nothing bad happened, except carrying Austin hurt my back.


Krista P said...


Krista P said...

Don't you have a key? I have a key. :)

You are much more a dutiful daughter than I am. I would have assumed they were fine.